Monday 29 June 2015

Head of State

Head of State is the new Faction Paradox novel for which I painted the cover. The eBook is already available, and the paperback will be available very soon from Obverse Books, the website of which is to be found by following this link, by hovering the little arrow over the underlined word link and then clicking - which I only mention as this apparently becomes very complicated when feigning interest in independently published books by people you actually know for the sake of politeness, such as my old pal who promised to buy my own effort when it came out in paperback, somehow missing the point that it was the feckin' paperback to which I was referring...

Anyway, Head of State is written by Andrew Hickey. I haven't yet read it myself, but I've read excerpts, and many other things written by Andrew, and so I'm reasonably confident it will be good, great, or possibly even exceptional.

So once again, as this is apparently quite difficult:

I have painted the cover for this book.

I did not write it.

My friend wrote it.

I think it will be good.

You should read the synopsis on the Obverse Books website, and then make a decision as to whether you think it might be your sort of thing.

If it seems like this isn't the sort of book you are likely to enjoy reading, then you are under no obligation to buy a copy.

If it seems like Head of State might be right up your street, then please order a copy from this site.

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